January got crazy for me with another trip to the hospital for a kidney stone and acute appendicitis! I had ten days in the hospital followed by 6 weeks of at home IV antibiotics. I hate to go to the doctor and the hospital but severe pain can be a big motivator. I’m still recovering, but I just had to get out of the house and go to a few dog shows.
I went to the Sunday Collie Club of Austin show in McGregor, Texas. The competition was very tough, with quite a few beautiful collies attending there.
An exquisite bitch known as Gwen was chosen best collie, and she was very deserving. Her movement was perfect. I was super proud to watch Mr. Patton- a collie I bred and co-own with Lea Bertsch- win Best of Opposite Sex to this beautiful bitch, meaning Patton was chosen best male rough collie over some very nice males by breeder judge Krista Hansen. Patton repeated this win in the afternoon show under judge Isabel Ososki. I was very proud of Paddy Pat. He was groomed by Lea Bertsch and shown by Sydney Bryce.

Patton also won Select Dog under Ed Degner at the South Texas Collie Club specialty. The amazing Chandler, GCHB Aurealis Play For Keeps, flew in for these shows and won at every show. Chandler is absolutely breathtaking. He is the boy I bred Grace to. Maybe next season Grace will have some Chandler puppies.
Another member of the Tairis Collie family won Select Bitch at the San Antonio Collie Club specialty. Arrow is a daughter of Ch Milas Tairis Commander’s Stardancer, out of Ch Tairis Perchance To Dream At Scalloway. Arrow is owned and trained by Lea Bertsch and co-owned with me. She was shown at the specialty by my daughter Caitlin White, who is doing very well learning to show collies.

I got good news from Susan Minard about the Grace/ Jax son, Can Ch Prairiepine The Lawman of Tairis. Wyatt quickly won his Canadian championship as a puppy with herding group and specialty wins. Now he has ventured into the USA to make his mark. He warmed up at a cluster of IABCA international shows winning group placements, a group win and a Best in Show! He also attended some AKC shows in Washington state and now has 14 points and two major wins. His trip included winning winners dog at a Washington collie specialty under Ed Degner against top competition. One more point and Wyatt will also be an American champion. Go Wyatt!

Soon I will be sending Miss Bee to a few shows to hopefully gather more points toward her championship. Bee is a natural show girl like her mother Willa.

I hope Miss Bee will complete her championship before warm weather comes, and she blows her coat. We will see.
Happy Valentine’s Day !