The good news from the ultrasounds is that Poppy is expecting puppies sired by the handsome GCH Southland Aurealis Island Nights. Poppy has never had a litter of less than 8 puppies, but this litter may be smaller than the previous ones. Poppy has been a great mother, and we are anxious to see puppies from this exciting combination. All of the puppies from this breeding will be tri factored sable and white babies.

I will be posting a pedigree of puppies from the combination of Poppy and Kasen as soon as I have a chance to get it typed.
The bad news was that no puppies were seen on Willa’s ultrasound. This was very disappointing. Willa is probably the best show collie I have bred and kept for myself. Her flowing movement is a joy to watch. She is also a sweet, loving girl. I hope she will have puppies next time. Willa is three years old and only comes in season about once a year. It would be sad if she never gets to pass on her genes to another generation. I will be talking to our reproduction vet to hopefully correct anything interfering with her having puppies for next time. I thought Willa and Debbie Ferguson’s boy Hoss would have made excellent puppies. Willa got a honeymoon in Illinois but no baby shower.

The good side of this is that I won’t be going crazy taking care of two puppy mammas and a big herd of puppies. Poppy and her babies will get lots of attention. Poppy will love that!